CivIII HOF Update

minilogo3.jpgThe Civilization III Hall of Fame has been updated. 37 games were accepted since the previous update.


Congratulations to Jachyra for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Huge Monarch Histographic game for 35727 points.


sanabas was the most active player during this update, submitting 8 games.


Only 1 player was brave enough to take on Sid this update. SpiffyKeen7744 submitted a 1790 BC and a 1250 BC Tiny Sid Conquest and 1802 AD Tiny Sid Cultural 20k game.


A couple of players gained number one positions on harder difficulty levels:

SpiffyKeen7744 with a 1790 BC Tiny Sid Conquest game for 31072 points.

sanabas with a 650 AD Large Demigod Domination game for 10916 points.

Lord Emsworth with a 2050 AD Large Emperor Histographic game for 27158 points.

sanabas with a 210 BC Huge Emperor Conquest game for 12753 points.

Tone with a 590 BC Small Emperor Domination game for 13815 points.


Congratulations to sanabas for rising from 12th to 11th in the Quartermasters competition.


sanabas won the Gamma Gauntlet with an 870AD Small Regent 100K.

killercane came 2nd with 950AD and Karl_t_great came 3rd with 990AD. The Delta Gauntlet has now begun.



>> Civ III HOF

>> Full Update Details

>> Discussion Thread



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