PC.IGN also posted their Civilization Revolution preview article directly from E3. This article is more detailed than the GameSpot first look article and also includes 16 wonderful screenshots! Some of the screenshots show more leaders while others are actual gameplay screenshots. Below is a summary of the new info:
Origineel Artikel: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.p...mp;goto=newpost
- Civilization: Revolution does away with many of the negative concepts and micromanagement aspects of the PC game. There's no pollution here, no corruption, no anarchy, and no worrying over the placement of specific improvements around your cities.
- The maps are smaller and the number of cities you control is going to be reduced significantly. There is an option to play on a larger map that you can unlock through gameplay or higher difficulty levels.
- The designers want to create a version of Civ that can be played start to finish in a matter of a few hours.
- There are 16 civilizations and each one has a unique look (in architecture and unit appearance) and unique abilities.
- The unique abilities of each civilization are going to be more significant and specific. The Japanese, for instance, get trade bonuses for building cities on the coast, while the Egyptians get the same bonus for building cities in the desert. The Romans benefit from free roads and increased infantry movement. Some of the unique bonuses give a civilization a bonus during a particular time period.
- The game will include three different types of barbarians, one each from cold, temperate and warm climates. Each group of barbarians will have their own unique look and their own specific units.
- The enemy leaders you face will be very animated and responsive. In fact, before you even select a dialogue option, you'll see how your rival is likely to respond to it.
- Units move around and engage each other in a very active way in combats, and you'll even see nice little details like arrows sticking in the bodies and shields of your enemies.
- Units will look different as they gain promotions. For example, the Roman legions will acquire helmets when they advance to veteran status. If you opt to improve your legions with the Infiltration promotion, their cloaks will turn black and they'll be called Ninja Legions.
- Civ2 style advisors are back. You'll get some animated interactions with the various ministers in your cabinet. The advisors will even point to specific areas of the map when they have comments to make about threats or opportunities you're facing.
- When a unit reaches the rare Elite status, they'll be given a specific name drawn from elite units in our own history -- Immortals, Black Watch, 82nd Airborne, and such. These units automatically upgrade every time you reach the appropriate technology.
- You can merge three of the same type of unit into a powerful single army unit. Not only do they gain triple the health of a single unit, but the entire army will benefit from each promotion that any of the constituent units possessed.
- Space race victory focuses more on building a large ship to maximize your victory points. You can win an economic victory by acquiring certain amounts of resources and cash. The cultural victory will be focused on converting enemy cities and gaining a huge roster of Great People. Your spy units can steal Great People from other players.
- There is a new animated trophy room that let's you see the perks you've acquired. Expect to see things like skilled jugglers or dancing bears when you pop in.
- When you win, you'll be rewarded by seeing a great little victory dance. You'll be able to zoom back and forth across the world, watching all the units, both yours and your enemies, engage in some hilarious Ewok-style booty-shaking.
- The game will support up to four players online using the simultaneous turn format. Video and voice chat are supported. The game includes options for free for all and two-on-two matches. There's even an option for one-on-one duels.
- The game will also include leader boards and matchmaking for general games so you can track your progress against other players. There will also be a Game of the Week that players can download and play competitively against each other. The scores for each match will be tracked each week so you can see which players are doing the best at that particular game.
Be sure to check it out!