HOF IV Update

minilogo_quattro.jpgThe Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 117 games were accepted since the previous update.


Congratulations to Bozso77 for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Standard Immortal Domination game for 258281 points. fret was the most active player during this update, submitting 20 games.


6 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update, including Big_Ben, Bozso77, fret and Miraculix each registering a submission. Moonsinger was her usual dominant self, submitting five Deity wins, with three of them taking number one table positions. However, Shadowsong sent in five of his own Deity wins, with four of them taking number one positions!


The first Major Gauntlet is now concluded, with Sormr, Lexad and dwarrior taking first second and third. G-Minor 4 has also finished, and congratulations go to WastinTime, DaveMcW and Andrei_V for topping off the victor’s list.


>> Current Gauntlets

>> Civ IV HOF

>> Full Update Details

>> Discussion Thread


Origineel Artikel: http://www.civfanatics.com/news2/fullnews.php?id=821