[/img]After a busy week or so we have
20 new and updated downloads for Civilization IV. Included are 9 units ranging from reskins by Walter Hawkwood to re-boned units from GarretSidzaka. Something for everyone from Middle Age Gothic Huskarls to a more modern Cromwell Mk IV. And for the fantasy lover included are 3 new Ogrins (Ogres) from seZereth made for the Fall from Heaven mod. C. Roland made a formidable looking Trajan leaderhead and Frenchman continued to add to his alternate leaderheads for FFH2. In the mod components section we have useful pieces from Grave, Gaius Octavius, and Thorn. Ah, but the meat of the week comes from the modpacks and scenarios. Rhye contributed his weekly update for both Vanilla and Warlords of his highly successful modpack, Rhye's and Fall of Civilization. Head Serf updated the European Middle Ages Resurrection modpack, which is excellent, by the way, as I’ve been playing it for the last week. I think there was something else, oh yeah…the FFH team released the Beta version of FIRE for Fall from Heaven II. A few people may find that interesting. :wink: And last, but certainly not least, the World War II 1939 modpack for Warlords was released by Kodzi, asioasioasio, Splinter13, Bergrar, et al. This huge undertaking has been teased to us for months and it’s finally here, so do yourself a favor and check it out. On the scenario front JungleIII released 2 scenarios for the WWII 1939 modpack. Both look excellent. Enjoy all of the hardwork that these modders have contributed.
MODPACKS – Vanilla 1.61 compatible
MODPACK – Warlord 2.08 compatible
MODPACK – Vanilla 1.61 and Warlords 2.08 compatible
Thanks to all of the modders and please continue to announce your new and updated files.
Note: If you would like your new or updated Civ4 file(s) included in this weekly announcement, please visit this thread for details.
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