Here are the recently released downloads for Civilization III:
- LEADERHEAD: Mokuba Jibada of Yavdlom by Grandraem
- BUILDINGS: St. Demetrios of Thessalonike, Ravanica monastery by Varwnos
- BUILDINGS: Viking longhouse, Timisoara orthodox cathedral by Varwnos
- BUILDINGS: Stift Gottweig church, Mosta cathedral by Varwnos
- BUILDINGS: Orthodox chapel, Sibenik cathedral by Varwnos
- BUILDING: Wat Chedi Liem by Ogedei_the_Mad
- UNIT: Godzilla 1970 by Supa
- UNITS: Shark, Great White, Megalodon and Gynog by Supa
- UNIT: German Sturmtrooper by MoscaTnT
- UNIT: German wintercamo wwII soldier by MoscaTnT
- UNIT: Afrikakorps soldier by MoscaTnT
- UNIT: Chaos Halberdier by CamJH
- UNIT: Kresta I Soviet missile cruiser by vingrjoe
- UNIT: Shinra Attack Sub by Orthanc
- UNIT: Tiger v1.2 by Snakelover
Note: If you would like your new or updated Civ3 file(s) included in this announcement, please visit this thread for details.
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