Term II Nominations are Open

Nominations for Term II are now open in the Civ4 Democracy Game. There are already some interesting electoral developments, with relative newcomers being nominated to over half the available positions.

We’re still early in the game itself. As the Mongols we have secured access to horses but do not yet have copper or iron. So far we face France, Germany, and Rome, a rogues gallery of aggressive civs. Even in the face of such daunting opposition, many of the citizens still hope for a peaceful path. Term II looks to be full of close debates on tech path, strategy, and whether to play the normal Mongol role sweeping our Keshiks through all opposition, or to be a kindler, gentler Khan who tries to dominate the world via trade and influence.

Two side games can be found in the Role Play & Games subforum. The Democracy Challenge is an informal competition to see who can win a custom map which mimics part of the DG world. So far, nobody has been successful on their 1st try! We’re also organizing a Demogame PBEM Tournament.

Origineel Artikel: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.p…mp;goto=newpost