2K Games' Official Colonization Site Update

The previous placeholder content at the official Colonization site hosted by 2K Games has now been replaced. The enhanced website now contains much more information and media. Here are a few of the highlights:
  • Background music from the era
  • An impressive wallpaper for your computer (see below)
  • Videos: both the official trailer and a walkthrough
  • Historical info on all eight colonial leaders
Also, note that 2K's own website lists the game as costing $29.99, and you can pre-order the game through them. The Civilization series page has also been update to include a link to the Colonization site.

If you would like to make the wallpaper your desktop background, you can view the image directly in our Colonization gallery (click below to enlarge) or view 2K’s site for more resolutions:


Origineel Artikel: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.p…mp;goto=newpost