Civilization 5: SDK Update and first images of Civilization 5: The mobile game



Like our user whoward69 noticed here, there has been an update for the Civilization 5 SDK today.

One of the fixes includes a crash in the gamespy online service, and miscellaneous other fixes.

The whole change log can be found in the mentioned thread.

Additionally, our colleague NeverMind from noticed here, that there are now first official images of the Civilization 5 mobile version in the official Gameloft blog .

We hope everyone has fun with discussing these images in our Civ5 Mobile thread.

We wish fun with discussing and modding now :grinning: .

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger versionName:	civilization-sdk-update_eng.jpgViews:	N/ASize:	30.7 KBID:	296541 Click image for larger versionName:	civmob.jpgViews:	N/ASize:	15.2 KBID:	296543 

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