Civ: Beyond Earth is billed as a ‘science fiction-themed entry in the award-winning Civilization franchise’, delving into humanity’s future on an alien world. In a press release, Sid Meier is quoted as saying, “We’ve always let our fans create the history of mankind, and Civilization: Beyond Earth will now let them create the future.”
The game features revealed are as follows:
- Seed the Adventure – Players will establish a cultural identity, select a leader and sponsor an expedition by assembling the spacecraft, cargo and colonists through a series of choices that directly impact starting conditions when arriving on the new alien planet.
- Alien World – Exploring the benefits and dangers of a new planet filled with dangerous terrain, mystical resources, and hostile lifeforms unlike those of Earth, players will build outposts, unearth ancient alien relics, tame new forms of life, develop flourishing cities and establish trade routes to create prosperity for their people.
- New Technology Web – Reflecting forward progress in an uncertain future, technology advancement will occur through a series of nonlinear choices that affect the development of mankind. The tech web is organized around three broad themes, each with a distinct victory condition.
- New Quest System – Quests are infused with fiction about the planet, and will help guide players through a series of side missions that will aid in the collection of resources, upgrading units, and advancing through the game.
- New Orbital Layer – Players will build and deploy advanced military, economic and scientific satellites that provide strategic offensive, defensive and support capabilities from orbit.
Three screenshots of the game in this early stage of development have been released to the press, revealing a strong resemblance to Civ5, with hexagonal tiles and a familiar graphic style, though overlayed with the ‘dangerous terrain’, ‘mystical resources’, and ‘hostile lifeforms’ referred to. However, the 2K press release makes absolutely no mention of Civ5, indicating a desire to develop a complete standalone title. The description of the game and aforementioned features, meanwhile, strongly indicate that Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri has served as inspiration for Civ: Beyond Earth, potentially providing a spiritual successor for fans of the acclaimed 1999 game.
We will shortly be setting up a discussion forum for Civ: Beyond Earth, where you’ll be able to find out all you need to know in the coming months leading up to release.
High quality screenshots:
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