Civilization Iv Hall Of Fame Update

minilogo_quattro.jpgThe Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 62 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to db8044db for the highest score of the update with a Large, Marathon, Immortal, Domination game for 5004113 points.

Pious_Pete was the most active player during this update, submitting 6 games.

Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:

- 1420 AD, Small, Marathon, Deity, Space Colony game for 273326 points

- 360 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 43035 points

- 80 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 26203 points

- 1 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 33314 points

- 280 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 33536 points

- 290 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 46798 points

- 1 AD, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 24719 points

Sun Tzu Wu
- 760 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 41966 points

Sun Tzu Wu
- 560 BC, Small, Quick, Deity, Religious game for 44897 points
A number of players gained number one positions at the higher positions:

with a 280 BC, Huge, Marathon, Immortal, Domination game for 408320 points.

with a 1468 AD, Huge, Marathon, Emperor, Space Colony game for 529085 points.
Gauntlet Results:

G-Minor 157 - Space Colony, Noble, Standard, Epic

1stPollina 1350 AD

2ndiggymnrr 1390 AD

3rdvranasm 1766 AD

** New Gauntlets Starting **

G-Minor 857 - Diplomatic, Noble, Standard, Quick

You can find the discussion thread here.

And the tables are here.


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