CivRev for iPhone and iPod Touch Released!

Great news! 2K Games has released an iPhone and iPod Touch version of Civilization Revolution.

The regular price of the full version is $9.99, but if you buy it within the first 48 hours, you only pay $4.99. In addition, there is a free lite version that allows you to play the entire tutorial and on the two lowest difficulty levels. The iPhone version doesn’t include any multiplayer support.

You can find a preview of the game on TouchArcade.


If you have iPhone or iPod Touch, check it out and let us know how the game plays! :grinning: I will have to get it tonight when I get home.

EDIT: The $4.99 price is only available for the first 48 hours. You can read the press release here.

Thanks to for the news tip.

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Click image for larger versionName:	CivRev_iPhone.jpgViews:	N/ASize:	44.2 KBID:	224124 

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