[/img]For Civ3 COTM61 you lead the Vikings in a Deity level game against 8 AI’s. To give your Berzerks more play, the AI can’t build Galleys! You will need to play in Civ3 Conquests with the last patch (1.22), but no other mods are required.
Civilization: Scandinavia
Rivals: 8 pre-selected.
Barbarians: Raging
Difficulty: Deity
Land Form: Archipelago, 60% ocean, Standard map.
Geology:3 billion years old, Normal and Temperate.
AI Aggression: Normal
>> Visit the pre-game discussion thread
>> Go download the starting saves
In Civ4’s GOTM40 you play as the Inca against 9 Immortal level AI’s. Plenty of potential targets for your Quecha to ‘rush’ after! You must play in Vanilla CIV with the latest patch (1.74) and the lastest HOF mod (1.74.003).[/img]Game settings:
Civilization: Inca (Leader: Huyana Capac; Traits: Financial, Aggressive)
Rivals: 9
Difficulty: Immortal
Map: Fractal
Mapsize: Standard
Climate: Arid
Water level: High
Starting Era: Ancient
Speed: Epic
Options: Standard
Victory Conditions: all enabled
>> Read the pre-game strategy discussion
>> Go download the starting saves
There is also a Civ3 PTW Regent level game with 9 days left to play, and a Civ4 BTS Monarch level game with 9 days left for the competition.
Good luck everyone!
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