Congratulations to bcool for the highest score of the update with a Large, Marathon, Immortal, Space Colony game for 882197 points.
hhhawk, najuris, Tatran, enKage, raistlin1967 were the most active players during this update, each submitting 3 games.
Only 2 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:
Gauntlet Results:
G-Major 122 - Any Condition, Emperor, Ancient, Standard, Epic, Pangaea, - High Score Wins!
1stpomthom 509,497 Points
2ndchaotichero 190,909 Points
3rdNobleZarkon 17,285 Points
G-Minor 181 - Any Condition, Noble, Ancient, Standard, Epic, Lakes, Carthage (check options)
1stlymond 40 AD
** New Gauntlets Starting **
G-Major 123 - Conquest, Monarch, Ancient, Large, Normal, Inland Sea, Persia
b]G-Minor 182 - Space Colony, Warlord, Ancient, Small, Normal, Great Plains, [/b]
>> Civ IV HOF
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