Hof Civ5 Update


The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 109 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to zenmaster for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Settler, Domination, Quick, Duel, Great Plains, Celts (Boudicca) [bNW] game for 11500 points.

Svinopes was the most active player during this update, submitting 26 games.

Only 7 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:

dribnairb - 1869 AD, Turn 888, 2354 points, Deity, Diplomacy, Marathon, Large, Continents, Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar II) [bNW]

Manpanzee - 1590 AD, Turn 228, 3084 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Pangaea, Shoshone (Pocatello) [bNW]

Manpanzee - 125 AD, Turn 120, 2770 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Standard, Archipelago, Venice (Enrico Dandolo) [bNW]

Manpanzee - 1804 AD, Turn 272, 3090 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Pangaea, Austria (Maria Theresa) [bNW]

mycivs - 1848 AD, Turn 294, 2681 points, Deity, Diplomacy, Standard, Standard, Continents, Greece (Alexander) [bNW]

mycivs - 1765 AD, Turn 263, 1776 points, Deity, Diplomacy, Standard, Standard, Continents, Greece (Alexander) [bNW]

namib - 1836 AD, Turn 288, 1443 points, Deity, Diplomacy, Standard, Standard, Fractal, Greece (Alexander) [bNW]

NiceOneEmlyn - 665 AD, Turn 433, 746 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Huge, Tiny Islands, France (Napoleon) [bNW]

NiceOneEmlyn - 250 BC, Turn 325, 3028 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Huge, Tiny Islands, Polynesia (Kamehameha) [bNW]

NiceOneEmlyn - 160 BC, Turn 334, 1218 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Huge, Tiny Islands, Polynesia (Kamehameha) [bNW]

NiceOneEmlyn - 535 AD, Turn 407, 3825 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Huge, Tiny Islands, Maya (Pacal) [bNW]

vadalaz - 100 AD, Turn 119, 3291 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Standard, Archipelago, Byzantium (Theodora) [bNW]

vadalaz - 375 AD, Turn 130, 3669 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Standard, Archipelago, Polynesia (Kamehameha) [bNW]

zenmaster - 3010 BC, Turn 66, 1875 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Duel, Pangaea, Huns (Attila) [bNW]

zenmaster - 2760 BC, Turn 31, 2166 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Duel, Lakes, Persia (Darius I) [bNW]

Gauntlet Results:

G-Major LIX - Time, King, Standard, Terra, Standard, Mongolia (Genghis Khan) - High Score Wins!

gold.png1st Mesix - 9381 points

silver.png2nd Peets - 7568 points

bronze.png3rd keg - 7076 points

G-Minor XCIX - Culture, King, Standard, Tiny Islands, Standard, Huns (Attila) (check options)

gold.png1st Svinopes - 175 AD T-122

silver.png2nd zenmaster - 275 AD T-126

bronze.png3rd ssjos - 450 AD T-133

** New Gauntlets Starting **

G-Major LX - Domination, Deity, Standard, Arborea, Standard, Any Leader

G-Minor C - Diplomacy, Prince, Tiny, Archipelago, Standard, Portugal (Maria I)

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