Hof Civ5 Update


The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 89 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to keg for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Settler, Domination, Epic, Duel, Great Plains, Shoshone (Pocatello) [bNW] game for 17700 points.

keg was the most active player during this update, submitting 34 games.

Only 4 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:

Babinski - 1540 AD, Turn 218, 3306 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Great Plains, Poland (Casimir III) [bNW]

dribnairb - 1644 AD, Turn 717, 1993 points, Deity, Diplomacy, Marathon, Huge, Fractal, Siam (Ramkhamhaeng) [bNW]

keg - 1920 BC, Turn 52, 5600 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Duel, Great Plains, Shoshone (Pocatello) [bNW]

vadalaz - 1410 AD, Turn 201, 4725 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Lakes, Spain (Isabella) [bNW]

Gauntlet Results:

G-Minor CXV - Domination, Warlord, Standard, Continents, Quick, France (Napoleon)

silver.png1st Emtee - 1040 AD T-112

bronze.png2nd keg -1685 AD T-162

3rd Suliz - 1790 AD T-183

** New Gauntlets Starting **

G-Minor CXVI - Science, Prince, Tiny, Pangaea, Quick, Any Leader

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