The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 64 games were accepted since the previous update.
Congratulations to namib for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Prince, Diplomacy, Marathon, Tiny, Great Plains, Spain (Isabella) [bNW] game for 7562 points.
Svinopes was the most active player during this update, submitting 15 games.
Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update
fimbul - 1535 AD, Turn 217, 2904 points, Deity, Culture, Standard, Standard, Pangaea, Inca (Pachacuti) [bNW]
fimbul - 525 BC, Turn 94, 4511 points, Deity, Culture, Standard, Standard, Lakes, Spain (Isabella) [bNW]
namib - Jan 1942 AD, Turn 1023, 1972 points, Deity, Science, Marathon, Small, Archipelago, Byzantium (Theodora) [bNW]
vadalaz - 1330 AD, Turn 193, 6576 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Great Plains Plus, Huns (Attila) [bNW]
Gauntlet Results:
G-Minor CXXI - Culture, Prince, Small, Small Continents, Epic, Indonesia (Gajah Mada)
1st mycivs - 295 AD T-193
2nd shodan86 - 310 AD T-194
3rd Svinopes - 460 AD T-204
** New Gauntlets Starting **
G-Minor CXXII - Diplomacy, King, Standard, Pangaea, Standard, Morocco (Ahmad al-Mansur) (check options)
>> Civ V HOF
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