Hof Civ5 Update


The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 59 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to keg for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Settler, Domination, Quick, Duel, Great Plains, Morocco (Ahmad al-Mansur) [bNW] game for 8783 points.

Kamist Reloe was the most active player during this update, submitting 9 games.

Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update

Brainwave - 1853 AD, Turn 443, 1413 points, Deity, Science, Epic, Small, Large Islands, Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar II) [bNW]

Dines - 120 AD, Turn 362, 4420 points, Deity, Domination, Marathon, Huge, Pangaea, Germany (Bismark) [bNW]

GiovDenti - 1902 AD, Turn 322, 2260 points, Deity, Science, Standard, Standard, Shuffle, Zulu (Shaka) [bNW]

GiovDenti - 1862 AD, Turn 301, 3918 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Standard, Shuffle, Netherlands (William) [bNW]

Gauntlet Results:

G-Major LXXIV - Domination, Emperor, Standard, Small Continents, Epic, Indonesia (Gajah Mada) (check options)

silver.png1st trendy - 245 BC T-157

bronze.png2nd Sclb - 385 AD T-199

3rd Kung-Fu Kitty - 850 AD T-230

G-Major LXXIV - Domination, Emperor, Standard, Small Continents, Epic, Indonesia (Gajah Mada) (check options)

gold.png1st Svinopes - 1440 AD T-204

silver.png2nd Mighty Dwaarf - 1725 AD T-255

bronze.png3rd Big Luther - 1765 AD T-263

** New Gauntlets Starting **

G-Major LXXV - Diplomacy, King, Standard, Highlands, Standard, Ethiopia (Haile Selassie)

G-Minor CXXVII - Domination, Prince, Standard, Frontier, Standard, Arabia (Harun al-Rashid)

Origineel Artikel: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=572985&goto=newpost