HOF-IV Update-Mapfinder Released!

minilogo_quattro.jpgThe Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 171 games were accepted since the previous update.


Congratulations to Bozso77 for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Standard Immortal Domination game for 329682 points. billator was the most active player during this update, submitting 18 games.


Only 7 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update. Moonsinger lead the pack with four number one Conquests. billator, godotnut, Miraculix and Shadowsong each had number one submissions and S_Wilson and Tephros also completed Deity level games.


Gauntlet Happenings:

G Minor 2 was a Time game. WastinTime took First and Third places, sandwiching Ori at second. G Minor 3 has begun, with players pursuing a future age Conquest. G Major 1 is still running, but due to forum request, we’re starting G Major 2 a month early to see if anyone can achieve a cultural win on a Standard sized Deity map.


HOF Mod Upgrade:

Version 1.61.004 of the HOF Mod has been released, with the major new feature being support of the concurrently released Map Finder mod. Players can now let their computer generate desirable starting positions while away from their computer!


>> Civ IV HOF

>> Full Update Details

>> Discussion Thread



Origineel Artikel: http://www.civfanatics.com/news2/fullnews.php?id=796