HOF IV Update

righthttp://www.civfanatics.com/images/misc/minilogo_quattro.jpg[/img]The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 190 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to Kamino for the highest score of the update with a Duel Deity Domination game for 443464 points. sir_spink was the most active player during this update, submitting 20 games.

G-Minor 32 has closed with jesusin taking first place with a 1822 AD finish date. Shoot the Moon and yDiamond tied for second place with a 1868 AD finish date. Oddly enough, third place was also tied with both Sun Tzu Wu and WastinTime finishing in 1876 AD. Congratulations!

BTS Beta-8 has closed with Andrei V taking first place with a 445 AD finish date. HolyHandGrenade took second place at 520 AD and Thlypsis took third with a 640 AD finish date.

G-Major 18 has also closed with kovacsflo in first place with a launch in 1673 AD. shyuhe took second place with his 1685 AD launch followed by The-Hawk with a launch in 1697 AD.

G-Minor 33 is now open and is the first gauntlet that can be played in any version of Civ4. It is a standard size prince game at normal speed on a highlands map. The goal is first to domination. Good luck!

>> Civ IV HOF

>> Full Update Details

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