The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 95 games were since the last update.
Congratulations to Crafty1 for the highest score of the update with a Huge Warlord Time game for 24,300 points.
Crafty1 was the most active player during this update, submitting 39 games.
Only 4 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:
- 2545 BC,Turn 97, 3050 points, Domination, Marathon, Duel, Pangaea, Bismark
- 1030 AD,Turn 163, 3240 points, Domination, Standard, Small, Archipelago, Elizabeth
- 1290 AD,Turn 189, 4402 points, Domination, Standard, Standard, Archipelago, Elizabeth
- 2013 AD,Turn 293, 896 points, Culture, Quick, Duel, Archipelago, Napoleon
- 1984 AD,Turn 264, 2248 points, Diplomacy, Quick, Duel, Continents, Alexa
Gauntlet Results:
G-Minor V - Diplomacy, King, Std Size, Continents, Quick with Mongolia
1st vexing 1240 AD
2nd Mallow 1320 AD
3rd khrax 1440 AD
** New Gauntlets Starting **
G-Minor IV -Science, Prince, Std Size, Archipelago, Epic with Elizabeth (see opponent list)
>> Civ V HOF
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