Hof V Update


The Civilization V Hall of Fame has been updated. 95 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to Foamfollower for the highest Firaxis score of the update with a Emperor, Domination, Marathon, Standard, Inland Sea, Spain (Isabella) [G&K] game for 23794 points.

Mesix was the most active player during this update, submitting 10 games.

Only 5 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update

dribnairb - 1859 AD, Turn 878, 6220 points, Deity, Science, Marathon, Standard, Continents, Huns (Attila) [G&K]

kcd_swede - 2440 BC, Turn 39, 2400 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Duel, Pangaea, Huns (Attila) [G&K]

Mesix - 1525 BC, Turn 99, 2815 points, Deity, Domination, Epic, Duel, Archipelago, Carthage (Dido) [G&K]

moriarte - 1615 AD, Turn 233, 4106 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Standard, Pangaea, Spain (Isabella) [G&K]

moriarte - 1645 AD, Turn 239, 4600 points, Deity, Domination, Standard, Standard, Pangaea, Rome (Augustus Caesar) [G&K]

TractorBoy - 2049 AD, Turn 329, 11771 points, Deity, Culture, Quick, Duel, Tiny Islands, India (Gandhi)

TractorBoy - 2039 AD, Turn 319, 11688 points, Deity, Culture, Quick, Duel, Tiny Islands, China (Wu Zetian)

TractorBoy - 2029 AD, Turn 309, 10082 points, Deity, Culture, Quick, Duel, Archipelago, India (Gandhi)

Gauntlet Results:

G-Major XXXIII - Any Condition, Emperor, Standard, Inland Sea, Marathon, Any Leader [Vanilla or G&K] - High Score Wins!

gold.png1st Foamfollower - 23794 points

silver.png2nd Peets - 18276 points

bronze.png3rd Jinbe - 17864 points

G-Minor XLVII - Diplomacy, Warlord, Standard, Frontier, Standard, Maya (Pacal) [G&K] (check options)

gold.png1st vexing - 1260 AD T-186

silver.png2nd HideInLight - 1270 AD T-187

bronze.png3rd Jinbe - 1320 AD T-192

** New Gauntlets Starting **

G-Major XXXIV - Domination, Deity, Standard, Archipelago, Standard, Carthage (Dido) [G&K] (check options)

G-Minor XLVIII - Domination, King, Standard, Tiny Islands, Standard, Denmark (Harold) [G&K] (check options)

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