How to create a mod Video Demo

CFC's own Kael (FfH series creator) has begun an MSMD video series on how to create a mod.

From the thread:


This is the begining of the MSMD series. What I hope is a helpful demo of common easy steps to create a Civ4 mod. The audience I am aiming for are all those who would like to make a mod but believe it is to technically challenging. By viewing the steps to do it I am hoping that people realize that it really only takes a few minutes to make a simple mod (and from there they can tweak to their delight).

This forum has tons of fantastic articles on specific processes but I think its hard for new modders to really put all the instructions together in a way that allows them to get started. Once new modders have a foot up with these lessons I hope they go on to make mods and dig into the more details guides here in the forum.

Currently there are 3 steps available for d/l.

Thanks for all you’ve added to the CFC Kael!

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