This may appear to be a small update of files, but keep in mind that our previous update came in very late March, so modders have had less time! The most common files were changes and tweaks to existing mods, in addition to a little bit of everything else.
- Female Merchants by saibotlieh
- Sukhoi PAK FA (Su T-50) by The_Coyote
- Female Ancient General & Prophet by saibotlieh
- Kreigsmarine Seamen by charle88
- Amazon Skirmisher by saibotlieh
- Flag & Civ Color MOD v1.0 by Dark_Jedi06
- Billboard by saibotlieh
- Indiana Empire v1.1 by civ3fanatic78
- Diversica 1.80 (for BtS 3.19) by mamba
- Da' vane's Mods by Da' Vane
- Final Frontier Plus v1.42 by TC01 and God-Emperor
- Fictionalization IV beta 6.0 by cfkane
- Westward Ho 0.41 by TC01 and Kailric
- Next War Advanced BETA1 by strategyonly
- overlord 2 version 2.3 by keldath
- WildMana v8.0 by Sephi, Skyre Noktis, Saathei and Graywarden
- The BAT Mod 2.2a by the BUG team
- Planetfall v13f by Maniac, Lord Tirian & co
- Dune Wars 1.8 by the Dune Wars Team
- Improved Air Interception by Afforess
- Capture Slaves1 by strategyonly
- Crete and Ancient Greece by veBear
- Iran Iraq War by stolenrays
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