More than just multiple endings. Regular co-hosts Grayson “Grayson” Middlebrook, Matt “elthrasher” Morgan and introducing Rob “the headless 10” lead the RevCast (RC) panel in its twentieth episode entitled “Choose Your Own Adventure”; now netcasting, it has a runtime of 29m59s. The summary of topics is as follows:
- 03m02s | Topic #1
The generally underrated power of Legion armies in Civilization: Revolution.
- 08m42s | Topic #2
Introducing the latest “Civ of the Month”: the Indians.
- 13m17s | Topic #3
India’s lukewarm Ancient Era.
- 16m24s | Topic #4
Welcoming the Medieval Era as the Indians in CivRev.
- 22m45s | Topic #5
Transitioning into the Industrial Era with the Indians.
- 25m50s | Topic #6
The Modern Era, and overall game victory targets, for India.
- Intro/Outro | Miscellaneous
The ongoing CivRev tournament brackets.
RevCast is the second spin-off of the Civ strategy-centric PolyCast; the modding-centric ModCast was the first such spin-off. Unlike either of its older siblings, RC has no defined segment categories.
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