[/img] Q-squared. Regular co-hosts Matt "elthrasher" Morgan, Mike "dukeblue1987" and "ScottieX" lead the thirty-seventh episode of RevCast (RC) entitled "Quantity Over Quality"; now netcasting, it has a runtime of 29m59s. The summary of topics is as follows:
- 01m24s | Topic #1
Introducing Civilization: Revolution’s American civilization by stirring an overview into the starting and Ancient bonus mixture.
- 11m45s | Topic #2
Finding it an exercise to overstate the strength that is America in the Medieval Era.
- 18m54s | Topic #3
On CivRev’s measured American prospects in the Industrial and Modern Eras.
- 23m28s | Topic #4
Having one’s work cut out for them in defending from America.
RevCast is the second spin-off of the Civ strategy-centric PolyCast; fellow sibling ModCast focuses on Civ modding and TurnCast on Civ multiplay.
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