10 oktober 2004 om 19:18
Dit is Het eerste Spel Van De Maand op DutchCiv. De echte die-hards zien meteen dat het exact dezelfde is als die op CivFanatics, maar dat is alleen deze keer zo, SVDM 2 Dec word een eigen creatie.
Deze is te spelen in Civ III 1.29 (met install packs te vinden op CivFanatics) of anders in PTWv1.14/v1.21f/v1.27f. Wanneer je Conquests geinstalleerd hebt kun je gewoon in van de oudere versies starten.
Wanneer je gewonnen hebt, stuur je savegame van de beurt nadat je gewonnen hebt naar:
Wanneer je verloren hebt, stuur je de savegame van de turn voor je defeat.
(Gotm XXXV)SvdM 1 November: Ottomans
The Ottoman state began as one of many small Turkish states that emerged in Asia Minor during the breakdown of the empire of the Seljuk Turks. The Ottoman Turks began to absorb the other states, and during the reign (1451?81) of Muhammad II they ended all other local Turkish dynasties. Under Sulayman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) reached the height of its power and prestige. In his government Sulayman was distinguished for his justice. His military, educational, and legal reforms earned him the name Sulayman the Lawgiver among Muslims, and in fact in his Sultanate, Christians and Muslims lived in harmony. How will you rule? Scope of the Game: * Civilization: Ottomans * Difficulty: Monarch * World size: Standard * Landmass: Mystery * Geology: 4 billion years old * Environment: Temperate * Barbarians: Restless * Rivals: 7 Preset * Upgrade Swordsmen/Longbows: ON * AI Respawn:: OFF * NOTE: Differential Naval Movement is OFF * Submissions due by 31 november 2004 A SPECIAL NOTE: In recent classic GOTMs, there have been some changes made to provide a rule-set similar to that used in Civilization3: Conquests. This month’s game is a ‘classic’ game, and hence most of these rule changes have been reversed. In particular, Map Trading is restored to being possible with Map Making, and communication trading with writing. Differential Naval movement is OFF. However, please note that some (minor) changes are still in-use. Some of the A/D/M value tweaks are continued, as is the lethal bombard and defensive free-shots for archers. * Contact trading: restored to Writing. * Map Trading: restored to Map Making. * The Great Wall Wonder: now gives free walls in all your towns/cities on the continent * Explorers and equivalent unique units have been moved from Navigation to Astronomy. * Space Race - SS Stasis Chamber Has been moved from Synthetic Fibers to Robotics. * Republic Government Unit maintenance cost is now 2 gpt/unit with free unit support of 1/3/4 for t/c/m. * Archer/Bowmen added defensive freeshot at 1/0/1. * Longbowmen added defensive freeshot at 2/0/1. * Marines Increased attack strength from 8 to 12 and cost increased to 120 shields. * Radar Artillery Movement increased to 2 and rate of fire increased to 3. * Ship movements restored to ‘normal’ (but bombard and attack details kept as recent) * Air Unit Operating Ranges most have been increased up to the maximum hardcoded limit in Civ3v1.29. * Lethal Sea Bombardment for all air units that can bomb targets. * Lethal Land Bombardment for all bombers and steath bombers. * F-15 stats increase to 8/4/1 (range of 8) with bombard at 6/0/2 lethal land & sea * Helicopter transport capacity has been increased to 3. * Stealth Fighter stats increased to 8/6/1 with bombard at 6/0/2. * Stealth Bomber stats increased to 0/5/1 with bombard at 18/0/3. Being a ‘classic’ game, this month’s game will not require any downloads for the Play The World version - It will play with the ‘out of the box’ PTW install. For Civ3 and Mac players, you will require the install packs as for previosu GOTM events. Note that custom resources are NOT used!
Downloads: Civ3 en Ptw versie
Ziet er goed Chris
Maarre met de Ottomans? … Vooruit dan maar… !!
jongens, ik kan nog niet meedoen. Ik hoop volgende wel…
Niet mee doen? … why?
Ohja. je Civ 3 cd kwijt…
pff hoe kan je zo iets dierbaars kwijt raken
misschien kan ik toch meedoen! Bitchin’!
18 november 2004 om 19:19
:!: Voor alle duidelijkheid: Uiterste instuurdatum: 30 november!!
18 november 2004 om 20:37
Sorry, maar deze doe ik niet. Als je geen versnelde productie gebruikt, ben ik zes eeuwen bezig. (ik had natuurlijk al bijna gewonnen, maar ja 8) )
same here, ik kan hem niet doen… Mijn PTW doet het niet (is echt vaag, op CFC weten ze niet wat t is…) en in vanilla opent ie m niet. Volgende keer doe ik wel mee => make it a Conquest version!
Uhm, zoals ik jullie had belooft zou ik een scenario maken, ik weet niet of ik al gezegd had dat mijn idylische project op de (extreem) lange baan is geschoven nadat ik alles kwijt was toen de pc hier crashde…
Ik voel me een beetje schuldig dus ben ik al met een nieuw scenario bezig…
nadere info volgt.
de map voor het scenario is klaar, moet nu nog volken editten en steden, resources en landscape toevoegen…
12 december 2004 om 19:33
ha fijn, we kunnen als je op tijd klaar bent er een soort kerst SVDM van maken… de vorige SVDM was niet echt een groot succes… (lees: 0 inzendingen…)