Over the past few days, an additional two previews have been released for Colonization. The first, available at JeuxVideo, is written in French only. However, it contains some new screenshots that are worth a look (see below). A second preview was released by PALGN, where they had these comments to make:
In total, 26 new screenshots have been added to the gallery from various sources. They include images of the Civilopedia, various advisor screens, the leaders and their traits, as well as other gameplay scenes. Here are some thumbnails:
The city management screens provide one of the more obvious points of difference. The left hand side of the screen is dedicated to a variety of specialist slots - furriers, blacksmiths, ministers of religion and rum distillers, to name just a few. As the game progresses, you can plug specialists into these slots, which will generally increase a city's production of a particular resource or item. These can then be traded between your cities, with the native population or sent home on a trader's ship. In our short time with the game, it quickly became apparent that one of the keys to success is a vibrant economy that makes the most of every resource at your disposal. |
>> View the remaining screenshots in the Colonization gallery
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